Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Introduction Part 2

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Introduction Bluetooth Low Energy Basics

In our previous tutorial (Part 1) we have seen the very basics of BLE. Now we will see Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Introduction Part 2. In this part, we will discuss the BLE Protocol stack. Before that quick recap about the BLE. You can also read, Bluetooth interfacing with LPC2148, Bluetooth interfacing with PIC16F877A, and … Read more

Bluetooth Low Energy Basics (BLE) – Introduction Part 1

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Introduction Bluetooth Low Energy Basics

Bluetooth is one of the most popular wireless protocols, and it has been available in smartphones, computers, and other devices for over a decade. Most of us are familiar with Bluetooth and how Bluetooth can allow us to connect a headset and make calls using our cell phones. The explosive growth in Bluetooth devices led … Read more